Can a guy whose claim to fame is his ability to put a drill of his nose really win this thing?
Also, the new BravoTV cooking contest doesn't quite meet the standards of its cousin "Top Chef". For the "Top Chef Masters" cook up stuff way too heady for the humble home cook.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Pic of the Day

”America’s Got Talent”-2009-Looking for the Next Susan Boyle
I tuned in to the premiere episode of America’s Got Talent, the 2009 edition, with a lackluster enthusiasm. First, we are entering the dog days of summer when most TV shows are afterthoughts at any rate. Second, early on in these types of reality contest shows, even the vaunted American Idol, the shows are mostly contrived affairs, filled with ridiculous froufrou to attract the curious who might not tune into this show during its more serious moments. The guy running an electric drill into this nose won’t make it to the final rounds more than likely so the early shows feature this “act” to attract viewers more interested in serious contenders.
To my surprise, a local yokel radio talk show host, Don Geronimo in fact, part of the famous radio “Mike and Don” pair who just got an afternoon gig here in the swamps of Delaware-WGMD, started talking about America’s Got Talent. He wanted the opinions of us minions out here in the swamps so I called him up. Don specifically mentioned Susan Boyle, that famed middle-aged singer from “Britain’s Got Talent” who rocketed to fame via a Youtube clip of her pretty voice.
At any rate I had a polite on-air discussion with Don Geronimo but more than anything, this incident picqued my interest and stoked my enthusiasm for this series.
Like I told radio guy Don, who had been too complaining about America’s Got Talent, how it’s pale compared to its British cousin, you got to approach AGT with a sense of humor, with a bit of whimsical curiousity.

My husband asked who on earth would want to watch a man run an electric drill in his nose? I told husband I have more respect for a man who has spent yay many hours (who knows how many hours you have to practice to drill in your nose without jamming into your brain?) practicing such a weird task than half of those jokes in congress who have nothing going for them, not even a brain to damage.
Consider that Mark Sanford guy, and yeah he’s a Republican. I’d rather watch a man run a drill into his nose than listen to that crazy Sanford going on and on about the love of his life and his need to leave his job behind, as well as his wife and sons, to run off to Argentina. Today this fool compared himself to King David.
An honest man spending endless hours perfecting the trick of drilling up his nose has my respect way more than this goofball Governor who is evidently controlled by his dangling male parts than any sort of brain matter.
America’s Got Talent is amusing to watch, way more amusing than American Idol in so many ways. Like all of these shows, there’s always jokers applying to win that have not a chance. The audience is left wondering if these people really think they can win a million dollars by dressing up like a robot and making fart noises.
It’s a hoot. And in the midst of a long, hot summer, what else could so capture our fancy?
Below a remix of the good, the bad and the ugly of the America’s Got Talent Contenders from the premier show of 2009. With my wise commentary inserted, of course.
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