It's a liberal's dream show, as far removed from truth and reality as…well most liberal ideas.
We've got a tongue-in-cheek, pokey-fun review.
Also, America's Got Talent continues on and the acts being sent through just boggle the mind. 75 dancing little girls donned in little orphan annie wigs? The judges think they can win this thing?
HGTV's "Showdown" quickly review and dismissed.
All with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Pic of the Day

The Philanthropist
Well I watched this offering from NBC HERE, and I have to smile.
First, the summer is, indeed, that time of year when the networks throw anything on the screen hoping something might stick.
Whoever wrote this show was evidently given carte blanche to write any plot desired, to pay no attention to believability, to just write away, add adventure, let the mind go on a grand trip that would have a rich man suddenly “finding” his meaning in life while running around in the jungle, avoiding gunfire and delivering vaccine to distant villages in Nigeria.
Nigeria? Seriously? Aren’t these the people always offering me, via email, millions if I would only send them a few thousand bucks for security? Already the show’s a laughing stock as, well Nigeria’s a bit of a laughing stock, eh?
Seems the country suffered a serious hurricane and distant villages were left without vaccine to administer to the sick. James Purfoy, who I never heard of, plays the lead in this series. He somehow got involved with obtaining the vaccine from the states and delivering it to that distant village.
Dear Lord. This man was running through a jungle that he’d never been in before, mind you. Somehow he got a hold of a motor bike and he’s roaring across the open field when suddenly he’s dodging bullets being shot at by bad guys, evidently. Folks trying to deliver vaccines are obviously a great danger in Nigeria, and must be mowed down with a hale of bullets.

Our hero plows on, however, running on bare feet through the jungle, suffering a snake bite but going on, going on. Yes, I laughed. I laughed my head off.
Problem is, this show’s not a comedy. I think perhaps my 5-year-old granddaughter, she might believe it.
Of course the show had to have a happy ending. Our hero did find that village, without the help of a Tom-Tom, not even a damn handwritten map but hey, he kept on going, he just kept on going.
Throughout this thing, the hero had been telling his story to some waitress or another who, wisely, too didn’t believe a word of it. Except the hero’s employees showed up out of the blue and verified the entire tale, up to the dramatic ending which had our hero delivering the vaccine, making love to the nurse administering the vaccine, being saved from death by snake bite by this nurse, and meeting up with a young Nigerian boy who the hero had helped save at the beginning when the hurricane began its rage.
As a comedy, this series might survive. If we are expected to believe this hackney liberal’s dream nonsense, it will likely die soon, real soon.
HGTV’s “Showdown”
I have a slight interest in decorating shows in that I am a female and I like to spread the paint and hang the pictures as much as the next woman.
HGTV’s mid-summer offering called “Showdown” is a decorating show that has the obligatory “Before”, “After” and the big “Reveal”.
Homeowners, chosen I don’t know how, are on the set to witness the offerings of two sets of HGTV design stars as they tackle a nasty decorating problem of the homeowners.
On the Showdown episode aired 6/28/09, we had two homeowners with a very plain and boring backyard that they wanted updated to include a place to barbecue, a place to relax and a plan to replace their lackluster back lawn.
One decorating team consisted of Lisa Laporta of “Designed to Sell” and Camen de la Paz of “Hammerheads”. The other decorating team consisted of Steve Watson, a loud-mouth carpenter type I’ve seen on some HGTV show or another, and Taneya Nyak of “Designed to Sell”.
I’ve never watched either “Hammerheads” or “Designed to Sell”. I do rather like that decorating show “Design on a Dime” and the one featuring decorator Candice Olsen. I watch a couple of other decorating shows on HGTV but I’m not all that knowledgeable about most of them.
It was a typical HGTV design show. I suspect Showdown is a lead in to HGTV’s big summer reality contest series, which I DO watch, enjoy and will be reviewing, their vaunted “Design Star” series.
For the first 45 minutes we watched the decorating teams struggle with their tasks. There’s always problems, something goes awry, bad choices are made, speculation about how the homeowners will like this or that. Steve designed some sort of outdoor fountain that he made himself. The other team just used a ready-made thing as the teams had an on-set Home Depot type of supply area from which to choose their building and decorating needs. That hand-made fountain didn’t even pump water at the end of the show or, I don’t know, maybe I’m the only viewer out here in la-la land to notice this.
The homeowners then chose the best design after the final Reveal and their concurrent OOHS and AAHS.

It was kind of fun but formulaic. The homeowners don’t really have their REAL home re-done as obviously there can’t be TWO concurrent makeovers of one space. This is all done on a stage set. The homeowners do win all the materials they will need to copy the design they choose and a little bit of money maybe to hire some labor.
It’s the notion of having the same space re-designed in a competition that is unique to this series and it’s a bit of a novelty.
I’ll likely watch it again, but only as a DVR and on some occasion when I’m bored and want something froufrou to watch.
America’s Got Talent-Those Judges Let Most Anybody Through
There were elder ladies dancing with absolutely no choreographical sense, large groups of young females wearing Orphan Annie wigs, a quite good male singer who, inexplicably, wore his capped hat backwards to look very dumb and one excellent singer, a child of 14.
The award for winning this thing is a million dollars and a chance to perform on a Las Vegas stage. I cannot imagine anybody standing in line to watch 75 curly-haired wigged youngsters jumping around. Or a singer with a nice voice but too stupid to either take off his hat or wear it correctly. Or even five sisters who all dance and isn’t that special?

In the end only one truly talented person will win this thing. America’s Got Talent has discovered some very talented folks and it was never any of the cute but useless acts being put through this early in that series’ summer season.
Below, a Remix of America’s Got Talent’s best offerings from 6/30/09 and 7/1/09. They all got through to Vegas but I wonder why.
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