She doesn't have a glorious head of hair and blue eyes to die for. But she's sober and serious and mature.
So why choose the pretty guy to run the restaurant in Hell's Kitchen 09?
It's all Joan Rivers, all the time. Now she's one of the finalists on Celeb App. 09, but of course.
When I heard some woman had a face transplant, I thought it might be Joan.
Since we've suffered Ms. Rivers 24/7 this past Celeb App. season, do you think maybe she could lose the thing?
Pic of the Day
Paul and Danny Left to Win the Hell’s Kitchen Cursing Contest
Once again I must complain about all the needless cursing that goes on and on in the Hell’s Kitchen reality series.
I understand that the cursing is part of the show’s “persona” as it were, but having so many curse words requires a constant bleeping that I find so annoying. If they want to continue the cursing lest we think that Gordon Ramsey has gone soft on us, why can’t they have like a whole minute somewhere in the show where he does nothing but curse? Bleep out this entire minute, get it over with, the viewer will understand that Gordon cusses and admire or despise him as is their wont. With the bleeping then complete, the viewer can settle in and watch the cooking go on.
We’re down to two finalists and they’re both quite good. Danny has a gorgeous head of hair and very pretty blue eyes. Two things, I understand, that do not necessarily make a good cook. But to win a contest on a TV show, I argue that it helps.
Danny’s lament is that during most of the challenges throughout the duration of the contest, he always seemed to come in second, missing the win by a hair.
Paula is the second finalist and in keeping with Danny’s lament, I think Paula’s going to win this thing.
Paula doesn’t have pretty blue eyes and a head full of thick, wavy hair, but she’s a pleasant enough looking young woman. She has a quiet, serious but sturdy nature about her. I think she’s just more mature than Danny is all and if I were Chef Ramsey I’d choose Paula in a minute over Danny.
The final show is scheduled for Thursday 5/14/09. On a note of serendipity, former contenders who had been eliminated will be working with the two finalists on their final challenge, which is operating part of Hell’s Kitchen which has been decorated per each finalist’s taste with a menu created by each finalist.
Some of these former contenders are NOT liked at all. It’s a scripted kind of thing but it should add interest to the finale.
Below, the humorous introduction of those former contenders back into the contest.
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