Also, HGTV's $250,000 challenge where families win even if they lose. It's fun and on a subject ALL females are concerned about.
BravoTV's The Fashion Show reality contest continues on and it intrigues. But a "jock" look with fringes on stockings?
Finally, Dancing With Stars sexy Marini has new role and how did Kris Allen really win American Idol 2009?
Pic of the Day

HGTV’s $250,000 Challenge
I rather enjoy this show although I am quite sure those Kate people plus eight aren’t worrying about this HGTV reality show contest knocking it off the air.
The contest involves a group beginning with five couples, all from the same neighborhood. Each week the couples are charged with doing an overhaul on one room of their house. They are given a set amount of time and dollars. The “BEFORE” is shown to the audience and the judges. Each week there is a guest judge, usually a star from another HGTV decorator show. The namesake from HGTV’s “Myles of Style”, herself a former interior design contest winner on HGTV, was one such guest judge.
Each challenge also has some additional unique mini-challenge within. This past week the mini-challenge involved each team adding a creation of some sort designed and built by their own selves.

I think it’s a fun show, probably little known and likely to disappear next year.
Pity if so. For there’s lots of women out here that consider re-decorating rooms in their house to be a major part of their life. Well men too, but mostly females, let’s get real. The most humblest of abodes has pictures and knick-knacks at the least in the surround.
The couple who survives the weekly elimination rounds down to the last team standing wins the $250,000. It’s win-win in a way. The couples DO get to decorate rooms in their home with expert advice and money provided. Thus even if they do get eliminated for as long as they remain in the contest they will continue to get money to decorate.
New shows air on Thursday nights at 10 pm on HGTV.
NBC’s “The Listener”
NBC’s Home Site The Listener HERE
So the series star is cute as a puppy. His name is CRAIG OLEJNIK and he plays Toby Logan. I never heard of him and he’s young enough to be my son.

Further, I am not at all sure how Toby Logan got his ESP powers, such as they are, except for some vague connection to his mother.
I only watched one show and will likely not watch another. The Listener is one of those lame shows put on in the summer doldrums to see if there might be some audience palpatation of joy.
A drama series will succeed due to many and diverse factors. A really adorable main character is one such factor. But the young teeny-boppers need to be tuned in because that’s the female demographic that will fall in love with Olejnik’s character.
The show I watched involved a complicated plot involving a woman, her young son, a cop gone bad and his partner then dead. The woman was in a car crash. Cute Toby Logan happened to be on the scene, saved the mother, learned via his ESP that she had a son, went looking for her son, discovered the bad guy’s dead cop partner, again via his mysterious VIP gift, in the trunk of a car.
Toby, a paramedic all busy solving crimes and saving lives in his spare time, manages to discover the bad guy cop who was by this time ready to kill the mom and the son.
There’s some weird love interest going on in this show. This in that Toby’s FORMER girlfriend is a nurse at a hospital and his potential love interest of the future is a detective. I suspect these characters are part of the cast because if Toby’s to continue his quest to save lives and bring everlasting happiness to strangers with his ESP gift he will need contacts in a hospital and on the police force.
If I sound slightly mocking well it’s because I am.
Get all the young girls who voted for this year’s American Idol winner and have them watch this show. If their attention span can last an hour then this show will be a hit.
It’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
BravoTV’s-The Fashion Show
BravoTV’s Web Site for This Show.
I first did a review on this reality contest series In May of this year.
I continue to watch this unique show and it has become one of my favorites.
First, I can’t sew a lick. This show involves sewing, designing, creating patterns and most important, creating a fashion “look” upon command.
Isaac Mizrahi is the show’s MC and Mizrahi is one of the few of our homosexual brethren fashion designers who does not try to make women look like little boys.
Every week the designer contenders are given a fashion challenge and they are quite unique. This past week a young woman running for a class presidency job was the guest. For a “mini-challenge” the designers were charged with designing a Tshirt featuring various cliques and groups found in a normal high school. I have never heard of a “Bgirl” but I do know such as “jocks” and “nerds”. There were a few others, also foreign to me but then it’s been a while since I’ve been to high school.
After the mini-fashion challenge of the Tshirt, the elimination challenge then involved designing an entire outfit based on the same high school group as assigned for the Tshirt challenge.
I thought the different designs to be quite interesting and creative.

The judges will choose, based on fashion show attendees’ comments, two of the best designs and two of the worst.
The fashion design that wins the contest, with the judges choosing the final winner, is then featured on the BravoTV web site as an outfit that can be purchased by the public. This is an interesting twist.
The two bottom of the group’s fashion submissions this past week included a “jock” ensemble and one for something considered a “B” girl. The designer who came up with the B girl look was sent home as what she had designed included nothing that would be considered proper “B” girl attire.
A “B” girl, by the way, is considered a Be-bop girl, a female who dances to rapper-like be-bop music. Well hey, I wouldn’t know either. But then I’m not a contender in a Fashion Show struggling to win one hundred grand.
The “jock” outfit, designed by outrageous deisnger Jonny D, was a really stupid thing involving boxing trunks with fringes on the stockings. It was more like a horse outfit than one fit for a female jock, if there is such a thing.
So far it looks like contender Reco is going to be a top guy in this thing. I’ve included the BravoTv’s web site ‘s biography on the talented Reco, just so yon reader has a clue what sorts of folks enter this kind of competition.
Reco's creative outlook on fashion goes hand-in-hand with his larger-than-life personality. Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, one wonders how this country boy developed such a creative outlook on fashion. Reco is proud of his modest beginnings. He realized his interest in fashion at a young age, while watching a Valentino fashion show on Oprah.
Reco obtained his B.S from Tennessee State University and has a strong background in architecture and performing arts. He describes his style as ultra glamorous and oozing with high voltage sex appeal. Reco has moved up in the industry from designing costumes for campus queens to dressing celebrities, and is now approaching his tenth year in the fashion industry as a freelance designer. Reco currently owns the studio 423 Clothing Boutique of Chattanooga and is the Creative Director of his own line, “The House of Chapple,” which he describes as a lifestyle line focusing on everything from luxurious gowns to sexy swimsuits and most he is delving into fragrances, jewelry, and even books aimed at helping young entrepenuers.
When it comes to fashion tips, Reco declares, "Do it!" And then, pause of reflection, states "…but don’t overdo it."
Updates-Dancing With the Stars and American Idol-2009
American Idol’s Kris Allen Cheated?
I’d been right along asserting that Adam Lambert was a shoo-in to win the 2009 American Idol contest on my AI Blog HERE.
New evidence pin-points AT&T as the culprit behind Kris Allen's 'American Idol' victory, N.Y. Times reports. During the final performances, the mobile company provided phones for Kris Allen fans to cast blocks of votes. There appear to have been no similar efforts to provide this service to supporters of runner-up Adam Lambert.
I hasten to add that perhaps the extra votes Allen got due to these large blocks of votes might not have mattered. American Idol typically generates many millions of votes. Block votes in the thousands would likely not change the outcome. And as I heard it Lambert beat Allen handily.
Still, it makes one wonder.
”Dancing With the Stars” 2009 Hunk Gilles Marini Gets Role on
“Brothers and Sisters”.
I often remark on these sorts of shows bringing fame and fortune to the entrants.
Else why would they do it?
Now I understand sexy Gilles Marini is going to be the love interest of “sister” Rachel on “Brothers and Sisters”.
I kind of like this series as it follows my fave “Desperate Housewives”. It’ll be cool to have Marini on the series. Rachel’s one lucky character.
He might have already bared it all for the "Sex and the City" movie, but fans of Gilles Marini will see even more of him this summer.
The sexy runner-up of "Dancing With the Stars" will appear in several episodes of the ABC series "Brothers & Sisters," opposite actress Rachel Griffiths, reports
"We just sealed the deal," Marini said. "I got a call that producers wanted to write a part for me. I'm thrilled it worked out and that I get to prove myself. The writers and I had a long conversation, and they wanted to know who I am, inside and out."
After enduring the pressure on "Dancing With the Stars," Marini insists he's not nervous about working alongside the likes of Sally Field and Rob Lowe.
To the Main Blog...Over a Million Page Views
In this TV post we take a look at NBC's newest summer offering-"The Listener". The main character's cute and has ESP. But does this make a hit show?
Also, HGTV's $250,000 challenge where families win even if they lose. It's fun and on a subject ALL females are concerned about.
BravoTV's The Fashion Show reality contest continues on and it intrigues. But a "jock" look with fringes on stockings?
Finally, Dancing With Stars sexy Marini has new role and how did Kris Allen really win American Idol 2009?
"The Pursuit of Something Better" is a story of a small cellular service company that rockets from the bottom of the pile when a new and visionary CEO joins the team.
Read this story by David Esler and Myra Kruger about how paying attention to ALL employees and good leadership brings results in both employee morale and the bottom line.
Plus, how could my local Walmart benefit by a lesson from Rooney's "Dynamic Organization"?
The protagonist of this story "Can of Peas" grew up believing that a humble can of peas saved her parents from certain death on the rocky immigrant boat of their passage from Italy to America.
But was it a can of peas or something that sounds like a can of peas that saved the lives on that vote and changed the fortunes of the believers soon to be born of the survivors?
Food Network begins its annual foodie contest "The Next Food Network Star" and it began with a bang and intrigue.
Plus some boring dishes, some lying contenders, some awful desserts and questionable personalities introduced to an eager public looking for the next Guy Fieri.
So okay Michelle Obama wears an outfit obviously created by a bedazzler and a handy glue gun. What the hell was she thinking? We've got pics, natch.
Also, Bad Guy of the Week, David Letterman, and his hilarious liberal talkinig points and Republican Good Guy of the Week, Sen. Grassley, who didn't let President Obama get away with protecting his child pervert California political patron.
We've got it all in Thoughts of the past week.
$250K Challenge is something that women AND MEN will take interest to and that can boost their appraisals!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the Listener. Don't understand why ratings systems still reflect mostly or only original broadcast viewership. Don't networks know that increasingly more of us only watch TV online at our own leisure?