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Fashion Awards-Oscars 2009
I like to watch the annual Oscar self-important love fest and like most Americans who tune into the televised ceremony, I saw but a few of the movies commemorated.
Unlike their own fine selves, I have more of a hold on reality than most of those pea-brained actors and actresses. Hey, I love to watch the fashion and might smirk at the silly acceptance speeches.
They’re ENTERTAINERS, for God’s sakes! It’s an honorable occupation, yes it is, but it’s not a mighty political summit and the actors are not intellectual giants. I understand this.
Every year the viewing audience of the Academy Awards gets smaller and there are several factors causing this. To include the fact that the entire thing is too damn long. It really should only last an hour and a half-tops. In addition, America simply does not want to hear these ENTERTAINERS get on what is a big soap box and give us their political views. Note that in recent years there’s very little of this sort of thing because once it happens Middle America, yea these people who carry this country on their backs whilst raising the citizens and soldiers of tomorrow, tends to tune it out the following year.
The only incident that kind of raised my hackles this year was the appearance of the smarmy, self-important Bill Maher who, as he always does with misguided pride, poked fun at religion. Maher made my BAD GUY OF THE WEEK list and was the subject of my weekly RANT HERE.
With no further ado, below my annual fashion awards for the 2009 Academy Awards.

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Lots of thoughts of all kinds.
We've got the Good Guy of the Week and a fine Rant. Comments on Obama's lie of an unecessary speech. Amazing how the stock market keeps dropping every time this guy opens his mouth, huh?
Also, tea parties, Gary Condit lies, fine cupcakes and don't miss the WORST thing you can do with cat litter....ever!
On the Bachelor 09 episode aired 2.23.09, the rejectees returned.
Every damn one of them, except Lauren, were too nice to be true.
Good remix with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
American Idol 09 was pre-empted by a lie of a speech by Barack Obama.
The contest plows on but I must ask, just how in the hell are they narrowing down this field to 12? Because it's not clear at all.
With pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.ai
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