Yes, there really is a reality show featuring ...CHOIRS!
As a member of my church choir, hey, we've got it covered with video and pics you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
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”Clash of the Choirs”-the Perfect Time of Year for This Reality ShowNBC’s ”Clash of the Choirs” site HEREIt would seem there are not enough shows for celebrities needing an exposure career boost and thus, boom, we have “Clash of the Choirs”.
Which is not to say this is not an entertaining show although I’ll wager that maybe myself and one or two other people are the only ones who are watching this new reality series. I’m almost positive I’m the only one writing a review of the thing and I’m betting not many folks are reading it.
But hey, I totally love choirs. I mean, I can’t be the only one in the world, right?
All my life I’ve belonged to a choir of some sort, including, currently, my church choir. Which is not to say I’m a good singer although I’d argue I have a fine alto voice. I watched the rehearsals for the choirs featured on this NBC show and figured I wouldn’t even make the cut. It seems to me that voice harmony wasn’t the bigger deal on this show. It was more about compiling a group of very nice voices that they may shout and scream their tune in beseech of audience votes.
Choirs are about the beauty of the human voice and the harmony is the major ingredient in a successful choir. In “Clash of the Choirs” such pretty and subtle harmony was severely lacking.
Which is not to say, heh, that the choirs and their songs weren’t entertaining. It’s just that when I listen to a choir I like to close my eyes and hear the smooth blend of the tenors, the altos, the basses, topped by the beautiful melody of the sopranos. Should one seek such musical solace while listening to a “Class of the Choirs” group, forget about it.
There are five celebrities who head the choirs on this series. These celebrities, all singers this year and I’m betting a singing talent is damn important, are charged with going to his or her home town and recruiting a choir of twenty members, training them, dressing them, choosing the songs, and overseeing a competitive performance.
The prize for winning the competition, decided by call-in audience vote, is a quarter of a million dollars to be awarded to the winning celebrity’s favorite charity, again, in that celebrity’s home town.
Charities picked included a “Project Rebuild”, a fund set up to aid victims of Oklahoma’s natural disasters. Or Patti Labelle championed a breast cancer group in her home town of Philadelphia. LaBelle lost three sisters to cancer.
The five celebrities heading choirs this year included: Kelly Rowland of Destiny’s Child, Michael Bolton, Patti LaBelle, Blake Shelton, an up and coming country/wester singer and Nick Lachey, formerly a member of a popular boy band.

This reality series, on its premiere night of Monday, 12/17/07, first introduced the celebrity choir maestro. Then viewers were treated to vignettes of choir tryouts in the celebrity’s home town. Finally the choir of twenty members was assembled for each celebrity and the choir performed.
My church choir could not hope to sing like these choirs. First, they danced. Then they had hip and happening choir “uniforms” and I note that some of the young, female choir members wore tight sweaters to show off a nice rack on top. These same female members were often artfully positioned to the front of the choir that the sexy bounce of boobs be better visible to the viewer.
Hey, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Featured cities included Houston, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, New Haven, Connecticut of all places, and Cincinnati.
Songs performed included “Freedom”, “Living on a Prayer”, “Life is a Highway”, and “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hand”.
On Tuesday, 12/18/07, the first choir was eliminated via audience vote. “Destiny Child”’s Kelly Rowland’s choir was given the boot. I thought the absolute worst performance was by Blake Shelton’s choir. That choir sang “Life is a Highway” and by me they all were off key.
Still and so America voted and no one much cared what this humble Blogger thinks.
I will say that Patti LaBelle’s choir ought to win this thing. Their rendition of “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” was outtasight.
A fine remix of all five choirs below.
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